For the Love of Words and Sounds
A Unique Fusion of Powerful Learning Experiences
For the Love of Words and Sounds educates children about the arts through the arts. Utilizing a multiple intelligences approach, the program fuses classical music, projected visuals with dramatic narrations. We aim to make learning engaging, through authentic, meaningful activities. In addition, our programs feature nationally recognized performers and are of exceptionally high artistic quality. For the Love of Words and Sounds, designed especially for children ages 4-12, creates an exciting, inquiry-rich environment.
This unique program was offered for 3 seasons. Now due to lack of funding, the program is on hiatus. Please consider helping us to bring it back.
The cost is $5 per ticket. You may reserve the tickets by phone 520-400-5439 or via email.
A limited number of stipends are available to Tucson schools for each show, on a first come, first serve basis, upon demonstrated financial need. For additional information call 520-400-5439 or email us; we will be pleased to assist you.
All events are at the Berger Performing Arts Center
1200 West Speedway Blvd. in Tucson, AZ.
Cast Members
Deborah K. Stevens and Kristin Hailstone, Actors Debra K. Stevens and Kristin Hailstone join founders/directors of Chamber Music PLUS Southwest, cellist Harry Clark and pianist Sanda Schuldmann for the performances of For the Love of Words and Sounds. Debra K. Stevens has been with Childsplay since 1982. During that time she has worked as an actor, teacher, director, choreographer, playwright, and is currently an Associate Artist with a focus on education. Debra is on the roster of the Arizona Commission on the Arts.
Kristin Hailstone has enjoyed acting and teaching for Childsplay since 1997. Favorite roles include the Old Sheep/Edith in Charlotte’s Web, Mary Todd in Lincoln’s Log and 7 sparkly years as the Nursery Magic Fairy in The Velveteen Rabbit. She has appeared in productions with Phoenix Theatre, Southwest Shakespeare, Blackball Ensemble and In Mixed Co, and also enjoys her work as a voiceover artist. She is a proud member of Scottsdale’s Theatre Artists Studio.
The nationally renowned Clark Schuldmann Duo are the anchor musical team for all our children events.
For the Love of Words and Sounds was made possible by the generous support of:
The Miriam Clark Memorial Fund
City of Tucson Mayor and Council
The Arizona Commission on the Arts
Presently we have NO FUNDING for this worthwhile program.
Won’t you consider making a contribution to this important program?
Your support is much appreciated.
Thank You